Thursday, November 23, 2006

How do we do it?

People have asked how they should be blogging this - once a day, every few days, once a week maybe, or should they wait till the 1st of January or start now? I guess the answer is, whatever makes it easier for you, and you can start whenever you like. :) There's no rules, and though the vague concept is to take one photo a day and post that, we can all interpret that in the easiest way for us - some days you might not feel like uploading the pics, and instead of letting that stop you or make you throw in the towel, upload them when you like. If you missed a day of taking photos, make it up another day. The only important thing is, don't give up, keep trying.

I'm going to start getting into practice for this. It's probably easier if we're all doing it on our own blogs, but who cares about easy.. I've already got something like 4 blogs and I can't see me making another one, so my pics will end up here.. ;) But another way to categorise them is to put them on flickr with tags, and then you can make a slideshow of the 365 pics.

As far as this blog, anyone I'm linking to has been invited as a contributor, so you can post photos or thoughts here every so often, if you like. You're welcome here. ;)

So let's have some photo fun! ;) And welcome to our two newest contributors, when they accept their invitations, vamom7678 and Cheri ;) They each have their own blogs by clicking on their names in this post, or usually you can find links to them in the sidebar. We also have Me, who I have welcomed previously but twice is nice as well.

Thanks for joining in. It's not long till the 1st of January now, but feel free to get into the swing anytime you feel like it! ;)

1 comment:

Her eyes East said...

Thanks, I am looking forward to doing this.